TianoCore EDK2 master
#include <MdePkg/Include/Protocol/Kms.h>
The Key Management Service (KMS) protocol provides services to generate, store, retrieve, and manage cryptographic keys.
BOOLEAN _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::ClientDataSupported |
UINT16 _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::ClientNameMaxCount |
UINT8 _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::ClientNameStringTypes |
The client name string type(s) supported by the KMS service. If client names are not supported, this field will be set the EFI_KMS_DATA_TYPE_NONE. Otherwise, it will be set to the inclusive 'OR' of all client name formats supported. Client names may be used for auditing, access control or any other purpose specific to the implementation.
UINT8 _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::KeyAttributeIdStringTypes |
The key attribute identifier string type(s) supported by the KMS service. If key attributes are not supported, this field will be set to EFI_KMS_DATA_TYPE_NONE. Otherwise, it will be set to the inclusive 'OR' of all key attribute identifier string types supported. EFI_KMS_DATA_TYPE_BINARY is not valid for this field.
A pointer to an array of KeyAttributes structures which contains the predefined attributes supported by this KMS. Each structure must contain a valid key attribute identifier and should provide any other information as appropriate for the attribute, including a default value if one exists. This variable must be set to NULL if the KeyAttributesCount variable is zero. It must point to a valid buffer if the KeyAttributesCount variable is non-zero. This list of predefined attributes is not required to be exhaustive, and the KMS may provide additional predefined attributes not enumerated in this list. The implementation does not distinguish between predefined and used defined attributes, and therefore, predefined attributes not enumerated will still be processed to the KMS.
UINTN _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::KeyAttributesCount |
BOOLEAN _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::KeyAttributesSupported |
A pointer to an array of EFI_GUID values which specify key formats/sizes supported by this KMS. Each format/size pair will be specified by a separate EFI_GUID. At least one key format/size must be supported. All formats/sizes with the same hashing algorithm must be contiguous in the array, and for each hashing algorithm, the key sizes must be in ascending order. See "Related Definitions" for GUIDs which identify supported key formats/sizes. This list of GUIDs supported by the KMS is not required to be exhaustive, and the KMS may provide support for additional key formats/sizes. Users may request key information using an arbitrary GUID, but any GUID not recognized by the implementation or not supported by the KMS will return an error code of EFI_UNSUPPORTED
BOOLEAN _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::KeyIdVariableLenSupported |
UINT32 _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::ProtocolVersion |
TRUE if and only if the service is active and available for use. To avoid unnecessary delays in POST, this protocol may be installed without connecting to the service. In this case, the first call to the GetServiceStatus () function will cause the implementation to connect to the supported service and mark it as available. The capabilities of this service as defined in the reminder of this protocol are not guaranteed to be valid until the service has been marked available.
CHAR16* _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::ServiceName |
UINT32 _EFI_KMS_PROTOCOL::ServiceVersion |