TianoCore EDK2 master
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EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA Struct Reference

#include <MdePkg/Include/Protocol/WiFi.h>

Data Fields

BOOLEAN PassiveMode
UINT32 ProbeDelay
UINT32 * ChannelList
UINT32 MinChannelTime
UINT32 MaxChannelTime
EFI_80211_ACC_NET_TYPE AccessNetworkType
UINT8 * VendorSpecificInfo

Detailed Description


Definition at line 180 of file WiFi.h.

Field Documentation

◆ AccessNetworkType

EFI_80211_ACC_NET_TYPE EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA::AccessNetworkType

Specifies a desired specific access network type or the wildcard access network type. Use 15 as wildcard access network type.

Definition at line 237 of file WiFi.h.



Indicates a specific or wildcard BSSID. Use all binary 1s to represent all SSIDs.

Definition at line 189 of file WiFi.h.

◆ BSSType


Determines whether infrastructure BSS, IBSS, MBSS, or all, are included in the scan.

Definition at line 185 of file WiFi.h.

◆ ChannelList

UINT32* EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA::ChannelList

Specifies a list of channels that are examined when scanning for a BSS. If set to NULL, all valid channels will be scanned.

Definition at line 212 of file WiFi.h.

◆ MaxChannelTime

UINT32 EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA::MaxChannelTime

Indicates the maximum time in TU to spend on each channel when scanning. If zero, the value can be overridden by an implementation-dependent default value.

Definition at line 222 of file WiFi.h.

◆ MinChannelTime

UINT32 EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA::MinChannelTime

Indicates the minimum time in TU to spend on each channel when scanning. If zero, the value can be overridden by an implementation-dependent default value.

Definition at line 217 of file WiFi.h.

◆ PassiveMode

BOOLEAN EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA::PassiveMode

Indicates passive scanning if TRUE.

Definition at line 201 of file WiFi.h.

◆ ProbeDelay

UINT32 EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA::ProbeDelay

The delay in microseconds to be used prior to transmitting a Probe frame during active scanning. If zero, the value can be overridden by an implementation-dependent default value.

Definition at line 207 of file WiFi.h.

◆ RequestInformation

EFI_80211_ELEMENT_REQ* EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA::RequestInformation

Points to an optionally present element. This is an optional parameter and may be NULL.

Definition at line 227 of file WiFi.h.

◆ SSId


Specifies the desired SSID or the wildcard SSID. Use NULL to represent all SSIDs.

Definition at line 197 of file WiFi.h.

◆ SSIdLen


Length in bytes of the SSId. If zero, ignore SSId field.

Definition at line 193 of file WiFi.h.

◆ SSIDList


Indicates one or more SSID elements that are optionally present. This is an optional parameter and may be NULL.

Definition at line 232 of file WiFi.h.

◆ VendorSpecificInfo

UINT8* EFI_80211_SCAN_DATA::VendorSpecificInfo

Specifies zero or more elements. This is an optional parameter and may be NULL.

Definition at line 241 of file WiFi.h.

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