UfsUicDmeGet = 0x01
, UfsUicDmeSet = 0x02
, UfsUicDmePeerGet = 0x03
, UfsUicDmePeerSet = 0x04
UfsUicDmePwrOn = 0x10
, UfsUicDmePwrOff = 0x11
, UfsUicDmeEnable = 0x12
, UfsUicDmeReset = 0x14
UfsUicDmeEndpointReset = 0x15
, UfsUicDmeLinkStartup = 0x16
, UfsUicDmeHibernateEnter = 0x17
, UfsUicDmeHibernateExit = 0x18
UfsUicDmeTestMode = 0x1A
, UfsUicDmeGet = 0x01
, UfsUicDmeSet = 0x02
, UfsUicDmePeerGet = 0x03
UfsUicDmePeerSet = 0x04
, UfsUicDmePwrOn = 0x10
, UfsUicDmePwrOff = 0x11
, UfsUicDmeEnable = 0x12
UfsUicDmeReset = 0x14
, UfsUicDmeEndpointReset = 0x15
, UfsUicDmeLinkStartup = 0x16
, UfsUicDmeHibernateEnter = 0x17
UfsUicDmeHibernateExit = 0x18
, UfsUicDmeTestMode = 0x1A
} |
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeNop = 0x00
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdDesc = 0x01
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeWrDesc = 0x02
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdAttr = 0x03
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeWrAttr = 0x04
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdFlag = 0x05
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeSetFlag = 0x06
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeClrFlag = 0x07
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeTogFlag = 0x08
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeNop = 0x00
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdDesc = 0x01
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeWrDesc = 0x02
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdAttr = 0x03
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeWrAttr = 0x04
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdFlag = 0x05
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeSetFlag = 0x06
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeClrFlag = 0x07
, UtpQueryFuncOpcodeTogFlag = 0x08
} |
UfsUtpQueryResponseSuccess = 0x00
, UfsUtpQueryResponseParamNotReadable = 0xF6
, UfsUtpQueryResponseParamNotWriteable = 0xF7
, UfsUtpQueryResponseParamAlreadyWritten = 0xF8
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidLen = 0xF9
, UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidVal = 0xFA
, UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidSelector = 0xFB
, UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidIndex = 0xFC
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidIdn = 0xFD
, UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidOpc = 0xFE
, UfsUtpQueryResponseGeneralFailure = 0xFF
, UfsUtpQueryResponseSuccess = 0x00
UfsUtpQueryResponseParamNotReadable = 0xF6
, UfsUtpQueryResponseParamNotWriteable = 0xF7
, UfsUtpQueryResponseParamAlreadyWritten = 0xF8
, UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidLen = 0xF9
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidVal = 0xFA
, UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidSelector = 0xFB
, UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidIndex = 0xFC
, UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidIdn = 0xFD
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidOpc = 0xFE
, UfsUtpQueryResponseGeneralFailure = 0xFF
} |
enum | UFS_DESC_IDN {
UfsDeviceDesc = 0x00
, UfsConfigDesc = 0x01
, UfsUnitDesc = 0x02
, UfsInterConnDesc = 0x04
UfsStringDesc = 0x05
, UfsGeometryDesc = 0x07
, UfsPowerDesc = 0x08
, UfsDeviceDesc = 0x00
UfsConfigDesc = 0x01
, UfsUnitDesc = 0x02
, UfsInterConnDesc = 0x04
, UfsStringDesc = 0x05
UfsGeometryDesc = 0x07
, UfsPowerDesc = 0x08
} |
enum | UFS_FLAGS_IDN {
UfsFlagDevInit = 0x01
, UfsFlagPermWpEn = 0x02
, UfsFlagPowerOnWpEn = 0x03
, UfsFlagBgOpsEn = 0x04
UfsFlagPurgeEn = 0x06
, UfsFlagPhyResRemoval = 0x08
, UfsFlagBusyRtc = 0x09
, UfsFlagPermDisFwUpdate = 0x0B
UfsFlagDevInit = 0x01
, UfsFlagPermWpEn = 0x02
, UfsFlagPowerOnWpEn = 0x03
, UfsFlagBgOpsEn = 0x04
UfsFlagPurgeEn = 0x06
, UfsFlagPhyResRemoval = 0x08
, UfsFlagBusyRtc = 0x09
, UfsFlagPermDisFwUpdate = 0x0B
} |
enum | UFS_ATTR_IDN {
UfsAttrBootLunEn = 0x00
, UfsAttrCurPowerMode = 0x02
, UfsAttrActiveIccLevel = 0x03
, UfsAttrOutOfOrderDataEn = 0x04
UfsAttrBgOpStatus = 0x05
, UfsAttrPurgeStatus = 0x06
, UfsAttrMaxDataInSize = 0x07
, UfsAttrMaxDataOutSize = 0x08
UfsAttrDynCapNeeded = 0x09
, UfsAttrRefClkFreq = 0x0a
, UfsAttrConfigDescLock = 0x0b
, UfsAttrMaxNumOfRtt = 0x0c
UfsAttrExceptionEvtCtrl = 0x0d
, UfsAttrExceptionEvtSts = 0x0e
, UfsAttrSecondsPassed = 0x0f
, UfsAttrContextConf = 0x10
UfsAttrCorrPrgBlkNum = 0x11
, UfsAttrBootLunEn = 0x00
, UfsAttrCurPowerMode = 0x02
, UfsAttrActiveIccLevel = 0x03
UfsAttrOutOfOrderDataEn = 0x04
, UfsAttrBgOpStatus = 0x05
, UfsAttrPurgeStatus = 0x06
, UfsAttrMaxDataInSize = 0x07
UfsAttrMaxDataOutSize = 0x08
, UfsAttrDynCapNeeded = 0x09
, UfsAttrRefClkFreq = 0x0a
, UfsAttrConfigDescLock = 0x0b
UfsAttrMaxNumOfRtt = 0x0c
, UfsAttrExceptionEvtCtrl = 0x0d
, UfsAttrExceptionEvtSts = 0x0e
, UfsAttrSecondsPassed = 0x0f
UfsAttrContextConf = 0x10
, UfsAttrCorrPrgBlkNum = 0x11
} |
UfsNoData = 0
, UfsDataOut = 1
, UfsDataIn = 2
, UfsDdReserved
UfsNoData = 0
, UfsDataOut = 1
, UfsDataIn = 2
, UfsDdReserved
} |
UfsPassThruDxe driver is used to produce EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU protocol interface for upper layer application to execute UFS-supported SCSI cmds.
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
Definition in file UfsHci.h.