13#ifndef __SMBIOS_STANDARD_H__
14#define __SMBIOS_STANDARD_H__
65#define SMBIOS_3_0_ANCHOR_STRING "_SM3_"
125#define SMBIOS_TYPE_INACTIVE 0x007E
131#define SMBIOS_TYPE_END_OF_TABLE 0x007F
133#define SMBIOS_OEM_BEGIN 128
134#define SMBIOS_OEM_END 255
160 UINT8 EntryPointStructureChecksum;
161 UINT8 EntryPointLength;
164 UINT16 MaxStructureSize;
165 UINT8 EntryPointRevision;
166 UINT8 FormattedArea[5];
167 UINT8 IntermediateAnchorString[5];
168 UINT8 IntermediateChecksum;
171 UINT16 NumberOfSmbiosStructures;
172 UINT8 SmbiosBcdRevision;
177 UINT8 EntryPointStructureChecksum;
178 UINT8 EntryPointLength;
182 UINT8 EntryPointRevision;
184 UINT32 TableMaximumSize;
217 UINT32 BiosCharacteristicsNotSupported : 1;
218 UINT32 IsaIsSupported : 1;
219 UINT32 McaIsSupported : 1;
220 UINT32 EisaIsSupported : 1;
221 UINT32 PciIsSupported : 1;
222 UINT32 PcmciaIsSupported : 1;
223 UINT32 PlugAndPlayIsSupported : 1;
224 UINT32 ApmIsSupported : 1;
225 UINT32 BiosIsUpgradable : 1;
226 UINT32 BiosShadowingAllowed : 1;
227 UINT32 VlVesaIsSupported : 1;
228 UINT32 EscdSupportIsAvailable : 1;
229 UINT32 BootFromCdIsSupported : 1;
230 UINT32 SelectableBootIsSupported : 1;
231 UINT32 RomBiosIsSocketed : 1;
232 UINT32 BootFromPcmciaIsSupported : 1;
233 UINT32 EDDSpecificationIsSupported : 1;
234 UINT32 JapaneseNecFloppyIsSupported : 1;
235 UINT32 JapaneseToshibaFloppyIsSupported : 1;
236 UINT32 Floppy525_360IsSupported : 1;
237 UINT32 Floppy525_12IsSupported : 1;
238 UINT32 Floppy35_720IsSupported : 1;
239 UINT32 Floppy35_288IsSupported : 1;
240 UINT32 PrintScreenIsSupported : 1;
241 UINT32 Keyboard8042IsSupported : 1;
242 UINT32 SerialIsSupported : 1;
243 UINT32 PrinterIsSupported : 1;
244 UINT32 CgaMonoIsSupported : 1;
256 UINT8 AcpiIsSupported : 1;
257 UINT8 UsbLegacyIsSupported : 1;
258 UINT8 AgpIsSupported : 1;
259 UINT8 I2OBootIsSupported : 1;
260 UINT8 Ls120BootIsSupported : 1;
261 UINT8 AtapiZipDriveBootIsSupported : 1;
262 UINT8 Boot1394IsSupported : 1;
263 UINT8 SmartBatteryIsSupported : 1;
272 UINT8 BiosBootSpecIsSupported : 1;
273 UINT8 FunctionKeyNetworkBootIsSupported : 1;
274 UINT8 TargetContentDistributionEnabled : 1;
275 UINT8 UefiSpecificationSupported : 1;
276 UINT8 VirtualMachineSupported : 1;
277 UINT8 ManufacturingModeSupported : 1;
278 UINT8 ManufacturingModeEnabled : 1;
279 UINT8 ExtensionByte2Reserved : 1;
309 UINT8 BIOSCharacteristicsExtensionBytes[2];
310 UINT8 SystemBiosMajorRelease;
311 UINT8 SystemBiosMinorRelease;
312 UINT8 EmbeddedControllerFirmwareMajorRelease;
313 UINT8 EmbeddedControllerFirmwareMinorRelease;
324 SystemWakeupTypeReserved = 0x00,
325 SystemWakeupTypeOther = 0x01,
326 SystemWakeupTypeUnknown = 0x02,
327 SystemWakeupTypeApmTimer = 0x03,
328 SystemWakeupTypeModemRing = 0x04,
329 SystemWakeupTypeLanRemote = 0x05,
330 SystemWakeupTypePowerSwitch = 0x06,
331 SystemWakeupTypePciPme = 0x07,
332 SystemWakeupTypeAcPowerRestored = 0x08
359 UINT8 Motherboard : 1;
360 UINT8 RequiresDaughterCard : 1;
362 UINT8 Replaceable : 1;
363 UINT8 HotSwappable : 1;
371 BaseBoardTypeUnknown = 0x1,
372 BaseBoardTypeOther = 0x2,
373 BaseBoardTypeServerBlade = 0x3,
374 BaseBoardTypeConnectivitySwitch = 0x4,
375 BaseBoardTypeSystemManagementModule = 0x5,
376 BaseBoardTypeProcessorModule = 0x6,
377 BaseBoardTypeIOModule = 0x7,
378 BaseBoardTypeMemoryModule = 0x8,
379 BaseBoardTypeDaughterBoard = 0x9,
380 BaseBoardTypeMotherBoard = 0xA,
381 BaseBoardTypeProcessorMemoryModule = 0xB,
382 BaseBoardTypeProcessorIOModule = 0xC,
383 BaseBoardTypeInterconnectBoard = 0xD
401 UINT16 ChassisHandle;
403 UINT8 NumberOfContainedObjectHandles;
404 UINT16 ContainedObjectHandles[1];
411 MiscChassisTypeOther = 0x01,
412 MiscChassisTypeUnknown = 0x02,
413 MiscChassisTypeDeskTop = 0x03,
414 MiscChassisTypeLowProfileDesktop = 0x04,
415 MiscChassisTypePizzaBox = 0x05,
416 MiscChassisTypeMiniTower = 0x06,
417 MiscChassisTypeTower = 0x07,
418 MiscChassisTypePortable = 0x08,
419 MiscChassisTypeLapTop = 0x09,
420 MiscChassisTypeNotebook = 0x0A,
421 MiscChassisTypeHandHeld = 0x0B,
422 MiscChassisTypeDockingStation = 0x0C,
423 MiscChassisTypeAllInOne = 0x0D,
424 MiscChassisTypeSubNotebook = 0x0E,
425 MiscChassisTypeSpaceSaving = 0x0F,
426 MiscChassisTypeLunchBox = 0x10,
427 MiscChassisTypeMainServerChassis = 0x11,
428 MiscChassisTypeExpansionChassis = 0x12,
429 MiscChassisTypeSubChassis = 0x13,
430 MiscChassisTypeBusExpansionChassis = 0x14,
431 MiscChassisTypePeripheralChassis = 0x15,
432 MiscChassisTypeRaidChassis = 0x16,
433 MiscChassisTypeRackMountChassis = 0x17,
434 MiscChassisTypeSealedCasePc = 0x18,
435 MiscChassisMultiSystemChassis = 0x19,
436 MiscChassisCompactPCI = 0x1A,
437 MiscChassisAdvancedTCA = 0x1B,
438 MiscChassisBlade = 0x1C,
439 MiscChassisBladeEnclosure = 0x1D,
440 MiscChassisTablet = 0x1E,
441 MiscChassisConvertible = 0x1F,
442 MiscChassisDetachable = 0x20,
443 MiscChassisIoTGateway = 0x21,
444 MiscChassisEmbeddedPc = 0x22,
445 MiscChassisMiniPc = 0x23,
446 MiscChassisStickPc = 0x24
453 ChassisStateOther = 0x01,
454 ChassisStateUnknown = 0x02,
455 ChassisStateSafe = 0x03,
456 ChassisStateWarning = 0x04,
457 ChassisStateCritical = 0x05,
458 ChassisStateNonRecoverable = 0x06
465 ChassisSecurityStatusOther = 0x01,
466 ChassisSecurityStatusUnknown = 0x02,
467 ChassisSecurityStatusNone = 0x03,
468 ChassisSecurityStatusExternalInterfaceLockedOut = 0x04,
469 ChassisSecurityStatusExternalInterfaceLockedEnabled = 0x05
476 UINT8 ContainedElementType;
477 UINT8 ContainedElementMinimum;
478 UINT8 ContainedElementMaximum;
503 UINT8 NumberofPowerCords;
504 UINT8 ContainedElementCount;
505 UINT8 ContainedElementRecordLength;
524 ProcessorOther = 0x01,
525 ProcessorUnknown = 0x02,
526 CentralProcessor = 0x03,
527 MathProcessor = 0x04,
529 VideoProcessor = 0x06
536 ProcessorFamilyOther = 0x01,
537 ProcessorFamilyUnknown = 0x02,
538 ProcessorFamily8086 = 0x03,
539 ProcessorFamily80286 = 0x04,
540 ProcessorFamilyIntel386 = 0x05,
541 ProcessorFamilyIntel486 = 0x06,
542 ProcessorFamily8087 = 0x07,
543 ProcessorFamily80287 = 0x08,
544 ProcessorFamily80387 = 0x09,
545 ProcessorFamily80487 = 0x0A,
546 ProcessorFamilyPentium = 0x0B,
547 ProcessorFamilyPentiumPro = 0x0C,
548 ProcessorFamilyPentiumII = 0x0D,
549 ProcessorFamilyPentiumMMX = 0x0E,
550 ProcessorFamilyCeleron = 0x0F,
551 ProcessorFamilyPentiumIIXeon = 0x10,
552 ProcessorFamilyPentiumIII = 0x11,
553 ProcessorFamilyM1 = 0x12,
554 ProcessorFamilyM2 = 0x13,
555 ProcessorFamilyIntelCeleronM = 0x14,
556 ProcessorFamilyIntelPentium4Ht = 0x15,
557 ProcessorFamilyIntel = 0x16,
558 ProcessorFamilyAmdDuron = 0x18,
559 ProcessorFamilyK5 = 0x19,
560 ProcessorFamilyK6 = 0x1A,
561 ProcessorFamilyK6_2 = 0x1B,
562 ProcessorFamilyK6_3 = 0x1C,
563 ProcessorFamilyAmdAthlon = 0x1D,
564 ProcessorFamilyAmd29000 = 0x1E,
565 ProcessorFamilyK6_2Plus = 0x1F,
566 ProcessorFamilyPowerPC = 0x20,
567 ProcessorFamilyPowerPC601 = 0x21,
568 ProcessorFamilyPowerPC603 = 0x22,
569 ProcessorFamilyPowerPC603Plus = 0x23,
570 ProcessorFamilyPowerPC604 = 0x24,
571 ProcessorFamilyPowerPC620 = 0x25,
572 ProcessorFamilyPowerPCx704 = 0x26,
573 ProcessorFamilyPowerPC750 = 0x27,
574 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreDuo = 0x28,
575 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreDuoMobile = 0x29,
576 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreSoloMobile = 0x2A,
577 ProcessorFamilyIntelAtom = 0x2B,
578 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreM = 0x2C,
579 ProcessorFamilyIntelCorem3 = 0x2D,
580 ProcessorFamilyIntelCorem5 = 0x2E,
581 ProcessorFamilyIntelCorem7 = 0x2F,
582 ProcessorFamilyAlpha = 0x30,
583 ProcessorFamilyAlpha21064 = 0x31,
584 ProcessorFamilyAlpha21066 = 0x32,
585 ProcessorFamilyAlpha21164 = 0x33,
586 ProcessorFamilyAlpha21164PC = 0x34,
587 ProcessorFamilyAlpha21164a = 0x35,
588 ProcessorFamilyAlpha21264 = 0x36,
589 ProcessorFamilyAlpha21364 = 0x37,
590 ProcessorFamilyAmdTurionIIUltraDualCoreMobileM = 0x38,
591 ProcessorFamilyAmdTurionIIDualCoreMobileM = 0x39,
592 ProcessorFamilyAmdAthlonIIDualCoreM = 0x3A,
593 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron6100Series = 0x3B,
594 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron4100Series = 0x3C,
595 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron6200Series = 0x3D,
596 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron4200Series = 0x3E,
597 ProcessorFamilyAmdFxSeries = 0x3F,
598 ProcessorFamilyMips = 0x40,
599 ProcessorFamilyMIPSR4000 = 0x41,
600 ProcessorFamilyMIPSR4200 = 0x42,
601 ProcessorFamilyMIPSR4400 = 0x43,
602 ProcessorFamilyMIPSR4600 = 0x44,
603 ProcessorFamilyMIPSR10000 = 0x45,
604 ProcessorFamilyAmdCSeries = 0x46,
605 ProcessorFamilyAmdESeries = 0x47,
607 ProcessorFamilyAmdGSeries = 0x49,
608 ProcessorFamilyAmdZSeries = 0x4A,
609 ProcessorFamilyAmdRSeries = 0x4B,
610 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron4300 = 0x4C,
611 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron6300 = 0x4D,
612 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron3300 = 0x4E,
613 ProcessorFamilyAmdFireProSeries = 0x4F,
614 ProcessorFamilySparc = 0x50,
615 ProcessorFamilySuperSparc = 0x51,
616 ProcessorFamilymicroSparcII = 0x52,
617 ProcessorFamilymicroSparcIIep = 0x53,
618 ProcessorFamilyUltraSparc = 0x54,
619 ProcessorFamilyUltraSparcII = 0x55,
620 ProcessorFamilyUltraSparcIii = 0x56,
621 ProcessorFamilyUltraSparcIII = 0x57,
622 ProcessorFamilyUltraSparcIIIi = 0x58,
623 ProcessorFamily68040 = 0x60,
624 ProcessorFamily68xxx = 0x61,
625 ProcessorFamily68000 = 0x62,
626 ProcessorFamily68010 = 0x63,
627 ProcessorFamily68020 = 0x64,
628 ProcessorFamily68030 = 0x65,
629 ProcessorFamilyAmdAthlonX4QuadCore = 0x66,
630 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteronX1000Series = 0x67,
631 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteronX2000Series = 0x68,
632 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteronASeries = 0x69,
633 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteronX3000Series = 0x6A,
634 ProcessorFamilyAmdZen = 0x6B,
635 ProcessorFamilyHobbit = 0x70,
636 ProcessorFamilyCrusoeTM5000 = 0x78,
637 ProcessorFamilyCrusoeTM3000 = 0x79,
638 ProcessorFamilyEfficeonTM8000 = 0x7A,
639 ProcessorFamilyWeitek = 0x80,
640 ProcessorFamilyItanium = 0x82,
641 ProcessorFamilyAmdAthlon64 = 0x83,
642 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron = 0x84,
643 ProcessorFamilyAmdSempron = 0x85,
644 ProcessorFamilyAmdTurion64Mobile = 0x86,
645 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreAmdOpteron = 0x87,
646 ProcessorFamilyAmdAthlon64X2DualCore = 0x88,
647 ProcessorFamilyAmdTurion64X2Mobile = 0x89,
648 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreAmdOpteron = 0x8A,
649 ProcessorFamilyThirdGenerationAmdOpteron = 0x8B,
650 ProcessorFamilyAmdPhenomFxQuadCore = 0x8C,
651 ProcessorFamilyAmdPhenomX4QuadCore = 0x8D,
652 ProcessorFamilyAmdPhenomX2DualCore = 0x8E,
653 ProcessorFamilyAmdAthlonX2DualCore = 0x8F,
654 ProcessorFamilyPARISC = 0x90,
655 ProcessorFamilyPaRisc8500 = 0x91,
656 ProcessorFamilyPaRisc8000 = 0x92,
657 ProcessorFamilyPaRisc7300LC = 0x93,
658 ProcessorFamilyPaRisc7200 = 0x94,
659 ProcessorFamilyPaRisc7100LC = 0x95,
660 ProcessorFamilyPaRisc7100 = 0x96,
661 ProcessorFamilyV30 = 0xA0,
662 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon3200Series = 0xA1,
663 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon3000Series = 0xA2,
664 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon5300Series = 0xA3,
665 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon5100Series = 0xA4,
666 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon5000Series = 0xA5,
667 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeonLV = 0xA6,
668 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeonULV = 0xA7,
669 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon7100Series = 0xA8,
670 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon5400Series = 0xA9,
671 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon = 0xAA,
672 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon5200Series = 0xAB,
673 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon7200Series = 0xAC,
674 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon7300Series = 0xAD,
675 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon7400Series = 0xAE,
676 ProcessorFamilyMultiCoreIntelXeon7400Series = 0xAF,
677 ProcessorFamilyPentiumIIIXeon = 0xB0,
678 ProcessorFamilyPentiumIIISpeedStep = 0xB1,
679 ProcessorFamilyPentium4 = 0xB2,
680 ProcessorFamilyIntelXeon = 0xB3,
681 ProcessorFamilyAS400 = 0xB4,
682 ProcessorFamilyIntelXeonMP = 0xB5,
683 ProcessorFamilyAMDAthlonXP = 0xB6,
684 ProcessorFamilyAMDAthlonMP = 0xB7,
685 ProcessorFamilyIntelItanium2 = 0xB8,
686 ProcessorFamilyIntelPentiumM = 0xB9,
687 ProcessorFamilyIntelCeleronD = 0xBA,
688 ProcessorFamilyIntelPentiumD = 0xBB,
689 ProcessorFamilyIntelPentiumEx = 0xBC,
691 ProcessorFamilyReserved = 0xBE,
692 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore2 = 0xBF,
693 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore2Solo = 0xC0,
694 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore2Extreme = 0xC1,
695 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore2Quad = 0xC2,
696 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore2ExtremeMobile = 0xC3,
697 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore2DuoMobile = 0xC4,
698 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore2SoloMobile = 0xC5,
699 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreI7 = 0xC6,
700 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelCeleron = 0xC7,
701 ProcessorFamilyIBM390 = 0xC8,
702 ProcessorFamilyG4 = 0xC9,
703 ProcessorFamilyG5 = 0xCA,
704 ProcessorFamilyG6 = 0xCB,
705 ProcessorFamilyzArchitecture = 0xCC,
706 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreI5 = 0xCD,
707 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreI3 = 0xCE,
708 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreI9 = 0xCF,
709 ProcessorFamilyIntelXeonD = 0xD0,
711 ProcessorFamilyViaC7D = 0xD3,
712 ProcessorFamilyViaC7 = 0xD4,
713 ProcessorFamilyViaEden = 0xD5,
714 ProcessorFamilyMultiCoreIntelXeon = 0xD6,
715 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon3Series = 0xD7,
716 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon3Series = 0xD8,
717 ProcessorFamilyViaNano = 0xD9,
718 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon5Series = 0xDA,
719 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon5Series = 0xDB,
720 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreIntelXeon7Series = 0xDD,
721 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreIntelXeon7Series = 0xDE,
722 ProcessorFamilyMultiCoreIntelXeon7Series = 0xDF,
723 ProcessorFamilyMultiCoreIntelXeon3400Series = 0xE0,
724 ProcessorFamilyAmdOpteron3000Series = 0xE4,
725 ProcessorFamilyAmdSempronII = 0xE5,
726 ProcessorFamilyEmbeddedAmdOpteronQuadCore = 0xE6,
727 ProcessorFamilyAmdPhenomTripleCore = 0xE7,
728 ProcessorFamilyAmdTurionUltraDualCoreMobile = 0xE8,
729 ProcessorFamilyAmdTurionDualCoreMobile = 0xE9,
730 ProcessorFamilyAmdAthlonDualCore = 0xEA,
731 ProcessorFamilyAmdSempronSI = 0xEB,
732 ProcessorFamilyAmdPhenomII = 0xEC,
733 ProcessorFamilyAmdAthlonII = 0xED,
734 ProcessorFamilySixCoreAmdOpteron = 0xEE,
735 ProcessorFamilyAmdSempronM = 0xEF,
736 ProcessorFamilyi860 = 0xFA,
737 ProcessorFamilyi960 = 0xFB,
738 ProcessorFamilyIndicatorFamily2 = 0xFE,
739 ProcessorFamilyReserved1 = 0xFF
746 ProcessorFamilyARMv7 = 0x0100,
747 ProcessorFamilyARMv8 = 0x0101,
748 ProcessorFamilyARMv9 = 0x0102,
749 ProcessorFamilySH3 = 0x0104,
750 ProcessorFamilySH4 = 0x0105,
751 ProcessorFamilyARM = 0x0118,
752 ProcessorFamilyStrongARM = 0x0119,
753 ProcessorFamily6x86 = 0x012C,
754 ProcessorFamilyMediaGX = 0x012D,
755 ProcessorFamilyMII = 0x012E,
756 ProcessorFamilyWinChip = 0x0140,
757 ProcessorFamilyDSP = 0x015E,
758 ProcessorFamilyVideoProcessor = 0x01F4,
759 ProcessorFamilyRiscvRV32 = 0x0200,
760 ProcessorFamilyRiscVRV64 = 0x0201,
761 ProcessorFamilyRiscVRV128 = 0x0202,
762 ProcessorFamilyLoongArch = 0x0258,
763 ProcessorFamilyLoongson1 = 0x0259,
764 ProcessorFamilyLoongson2 = 0x025A,
765 ProcessorFamilyLoongson3 = 0x025B,
766 ProcessorFamilyLoongson2K = 0x025C,
767 ProcessorFamilyLoongson3A = 0x025D,
768 ProcessorFamilyLoongson3B = 0x025E,
769 ProcessorFamilyLoongson3C = 0x025F,
770 ProcessorFamilyLoongson3D = 0x0260,
771 ProcessorFamilyLoongson3E = 0x0261,
772 ProcessorFamilyDualCoreLoongson2K = 0x0262,
773 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreLoongson3A = 0x026C,
774 ProcessorFamilyMultiCoreLoongson3A = 0x026D,
775 ProcessorFamilyQuadCoreLoongson3B = 0x026E,
776 ProcessorFamilyMultiCoreLoongson3B = 0x026F,
777 ProcessorFamilyMultiCoreLoongson3C = 0x0270,
778 ProcessorFamilyMultiCoreLoongson3D = 0x0271,
779 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore3 = 0x0300,
780 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore5 = 0x0301,
781 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore7 = 0x0302,
782 ProcessorFamilyIntelCore9 = 0x0303,
783 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreUltra3 = 0x0304,
784 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreUltra5 = 0x0305,
785 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreUltra7 = 0x0306,
786 ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreUltra9 = 0x0307
793 UINT8 ProcessorVoltageCapability5V : 1;
794 UINT8 ProcessorVoltageCapability3_3V : 1;
795 UINT8 ProcessorVoltageCapability2_9V : 1;
798 UINT8 ProcessorVoltageIndicateLegacy : 1;
805 ProcessorUpgradeOther = 0x01,
806 ProcessorUpgradeUnknown = 0x02,
807 ProcessorUpgradeDaughterBoard = 0x03,
808 ProcessorUpgradeZIFSocket = 0x04,
810 ProcessorUpgradeNone = 0x06,
811 ProcessorUpgradeLIFSocket = 0x07,
812 ProcessorUpgradeSlot1 = 0x08,
813 ProcessorUpgradeSlot2 = 0x09,
814 ProcessorUpgrade370PinSocket = 0x0A,
815 ProcessorUpgradeSlotA = 0x0B,
816 ProcessorUpgradeSlotM = 0x0C,
817 ProcessorUpgradeSocket423 = 0x0D,
819 ProcessorUpgradeSocket478 = 0x0F,
820 ProcessorUpgradeSocket754 = 0x10,
821 ProcessorUpgradeSocket940 = 0x11,
822 ProcessorUpgradeSocket939 = 0x12,
823 ProcessorUpgradeSocketmPGA604 = 0x13,
824 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA771 = 0x14,
825 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA775 = 0x15,
826 ProcessorUpgradeSocketS1 = 0x16,
827 ProcessorUpgradeAM2 = 0x17,
828 ProcessorUpgradeF1207 = 0x18,
829 ProcessorSocketLGA1366 = 0x19,
830 ProcessorUpgradeSocketG34 = 0x1A,
831 ProcessorUpgradeSocketAM3 = 0x1B,
832 ProcessorUpgradeSocketC32 = 0x1C,
833 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1156 = 0x1D,
834 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1567 = 0x1E,
835 ProcessorUpgradeSocketPGA988A = 0x1F,
836 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1288 = 0x20,
837 ProcessorUpgradeSocketrPGA988B = 0x21,
838 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1023 = 0x22,
839 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1224 = 0x23,
841 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1356 = 0x25,
842 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA2011 = 0x26,
843 ProcessorUpgradeSocketFS1 = 0x27,
844 ProcessorUpgradeSocketFS2 = 0x28,
845 ProcessorUpgradeSocketFM1 = 0x29,
846 ProcessorUpgradeSocketFM2 = 0x2A,
847 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA2011_3 = 0x2B,
848 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1356_3 = 0x2C,
849 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1150 = 0x2D,
850 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1168 = 0x2E,
851 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1234 = 0x2F,
852 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1364 = 0x30,
853 ProcessorUpgradeSocketAM4 = 0x31,
854 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1151 = 0x32,
855 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1356 = 0x33,
856 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1440 = 0x34,
857 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1515 = 0x35,
858 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA3647_1 = 0x36,
859 ProcessorUpgradeSocketSP3 = 0x37,
860 ProcessorUpgradeSocketSP3r2 = 0x38,
861 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA2066 = 0x39,
862 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1392 = 0x3A,
863 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1510 = 0x3B,
864 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1528 = 0x3C,
865 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA4189 = 0x3D,
866 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1200 = 0x3E,
867 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA4677 = 0x3F,
868 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1700 = 0x40,
869 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1744 = 0x41,
870 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1781 = 0x42,
871 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1211 = 0x43,
872 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA2422 = 0x44,
873 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1211 = 0x45,
874 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA2422 = 0x46,
875 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA5773 = 0x47,
876 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA5773 = 0x48,
877 ProcessorUpgradeSocketAM5 = 0x49,
878 ProcessorUpgradeSocketSP5 = 0x4A,
879 ProcessorUpgradeSocketSP6 = 0x4B,
880 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA883 = 0x4C,
881 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1190 = 0x4D,
882 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA4129 = 0x4E,
883 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA4710 = 0x4F,
884 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA7529 = 0x50,
885 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1964 = 0x51,
886 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA1792 = 0x52,
887 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA2049 = 0x53,
888 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA2551 = 0x54,
889 ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1851 = 0x55,
890 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA2114 = 0x56,
891 ProcessorUpgradeSocketBGA2833 = 0x57,
892 ProcessorUpgradeInvalid = 0xFF
899 UINT32 ProcessorSteppingId : 4;
900 UINT32 ProcessorModel : 4;
901 UINT32 ProcessorFamily : 4;
902 UINT32 ProcessorType : 2;
903 UINT32 ProcessorReserved1 : 2;
904 UINT32 ProcessorXModel : 4;
905 UINT32 ProcessorXFamily : 8;
906 UINT32 ProcessorReserved2 : 4;
910 UINT32 ProcessorFpu : 1;
911 UINT32 ProcessorVme : 1;
912 UINT32 ProcessorDe : 1;
913 UINT32 ProcessorPse : 1;
914 UINT32 ProcessorTsc : 1;
915 UINT32 ProcessorMsr : 1;
916 UINT32 ProcessorPae : 1;
917 UINT32 ProcessorMce : 1;
918 UINT32 ProcessorCx8 : 1;
919 UINT32 ProcessorApic : 1;
920 UINT32 ProcessorReserved1 : 1;
921 UINT32 ProcessorSep : 1;
922 UINT32 ProcessorMtrr : 1;
923 UINT32 ProcessorPge : 1;
924 UINT32 ProcessorMca : 1;
925 UINT32 ProcessorCmov : 1;
926 UINT32 ProcessorPat : 1;
927 UINT32 ProcessorPse36 : 1;
928 UINT32 ProcessorPsn : 1;
929 UINT32 ProcessorClfsh : 1;
930 UINT32 ProcessorReserved2 : 1;
931 UINT32 ProcessorDs : 1;
932 UINT32 ProcessorAcpi : 1;
933 UINT32 ProcessorMmx : 1;
934 UINT32 ProcessorFxsr : 1;
935 UINT32 ProcessorSse : 1;
936 UINT32 ProcessorSse2 : 1;
937 UINT32 ProcessorSs : 1;
938 UINT32 ProcessorReserved3 : 1;
939 UINT32 ProcessorTm : 1;
940 UINT32 ProcessorReserved4 : 2;
944 UINT16 ProcessorReserved1 : 1;
945 UINT16 ProcessorUnknown : 1;
946 UINT16 Processor64BitCapable : 1;
947 UINT16 ProcessorMultiCore : 1;
948 UINT16 ProcessorHardwareThread : 1;
949 UINT16 ProcessorExecuteProtection : 1;
950 UINT16 ProcessorEnhancedVirtualization : 1;
951 UINT16 ProcessorPowerPerformanceCtrl : 1;
952 UINT16 Processor128BitCapable : 1;
953 UINT16 ProcessorArm64SocId : 1;
954 UINT16 ProcessorReserved2 : 6;
993 UINT16 ExternalClock;
998 UINT16 L1CacheHandle;
999 UINT16 L2CacheHandle;
1000 UINT16 L3CacheHandle;
1008 UINT8 EnabledCoreCount;
1010 UINT16 ProcessorCharacteristics;
1014 UINT16 ProcessorFamily2;
1019 UINT16 EnabledCoreCount2;
1020 UINT16 ThreadCount2;
1024 UINT16 ThreadEnabled;
1035 ErrorDetectingMethodOther = 0x01,
1036 ErrorDetectingMethodUnknown = 0x02,
1037 ErrorDetectingMethodNone = 0x03,
1038 ErrorDetectingMethodParity = 0x04,
1039 ErrorDetectingMethod32Ecc = 0x05,
1040 ErrorDetectingMethod64Ecc = 0x06,
1041 ErrorDetectingMethod128Ecc = 0x07,
1042 ErrorDetectingMethodCrc = 0x08
1052 UINT8 SingleBitErrorCorrect : 1;
1053 UINT8 DoubleBitErrorCorrect : 1;
1054 UINT8 ErrorScrubbing : 1;
1062 MemoryInterleaveOther = 0x01,
1063 MemoryInterleaveUnknown = 0x02,
1064 MemoryInterleaveOneWay = 0x03,
1065 MemoryInterleaveTwoWay = 0x04,
1066 MemoryInterleaveFourWay = 0x05,
1067 MemoryInterleaveEightWay = 0x06,
1068 MemoryInterleaveSixteenWay = 0x07
1077 UINT16 SeventyNs : 1;
1080 UINT16 Reserved : 11;
1101 UINT8 MaxMemoryModuleSize;
1103 UINT16 SupportMemoryType;
1104 UINT8 MemoryModuleVoltage;
1105 UINT8 AssociatedMemorySlotNum;
1106 UINT16 MemoryModuleConfigHandles[1];
1115 UINT16 Standard : 1;
1116 UINT16 FastPageMode : 1;
1122 UINT16 BurstEdo : 1;
1124 UINT16 Reserved : 5;
1132 UINT8 SingleOrDoubleBank : 1;
1149 UINT8 BankConnections;
1163 UINT16 NonBurst : 1;
1165 UINT16 PipelineBurst : 1;
1166 UINT16 Synchronous : 1;
1167 UINT16 Asynchronous : 1;
1168 UINT16 Reserved : 9;
1175 CacheErrorOther = 0x01,
1176 CacheErrorUnknown = 0x02,
1177 CacheErrorNone = 0x03,
1178 CacheErrorParity = 0x04,
1187 CacheTypeOther = 0x01,
1188 CacheTypeUnknown = 0x02,
1189 CacheTypeInstruction = 0x03,
1190 CacheTypeData = 0x04,
1191 CacheTypeUnified = 0x05
1198 CacheAssociativityOther = 0x01,
1199 CacheAssociativityUnknown = 0x02,
1200 CacheAssociativityDirectMapped = 0x03,
1201 CacheAssociativity2Way = 0x04,
1202 CacheAssociativity4Way = 0x05,
1203 CacheAssociativityFully = 0x06,
1204 CacheAssociativity8Way = 0x07,
1205 CacheAssociativity16Way = 0x08,
1206 CacheAssociativity12Way = 0x09,
1207 CacheAssociativity24Way = 0x0A,
1208 CacheAssociativity32Way = 0x0B,
1209 CacheAssociativity48Way = 0x0C,
1210 CacheAssociativity64Way = 0x0D,
1211 CacheAssociativity20Way = 0x0E
1225 UINT16 CacheConfiguration;
1226 UINT16 MaximumCacheSize;
1227 UINT16 InstalledSize;
1237 UINT32 MaximumCacheSize2;
1238 UINT32 InstalledSize2;
1245 PortConnectorTypeNone = 0x00,
1246 PortConnectorTypeCentronics = 0x01,
1247 PortConnectorTypeMiniCentronics = 0x02,
1248 PortConnectorTypeProprietary = 0x03,
1249 PortConnectorTypeDB25Male = 0x04,
1250 PortConnectorTypeDB25Female = 0x05,
1251 PortConnectorTypeDB15Male = 0x06,
1252 PortConnectorTypeDB15Female = 0x07,
1253 PortConnectorTypeDB9Male = 0x08,
1254 PortConnectorTypeDB9Female = 0x09,
1255 PortConnectorTypeRJ11 = 0x0A,
1256 PortConnectorTypeRJ45 = 0x0B,
1257 PortConnectorType50PinMiniScsi = 0x0C,
1258 PortConnectorTypeMiniDin = 0x0D,
1259 PortConnectorTypeMicroDin = 0x0E,
1260 PortConnectorTypePS2 = 0x0F,
1261 PortConnectorTypeInfrared = 0x10,
1262 PortConnectorTypeHpHil = 0x11,
1263 PortConnectorTypeUsb = 0x12,
1264 PortConnectorTypeSsaScsi = 0x13,
1265 PortConnectorTypeCircularDin8Male = 0x14,
1266 PortConnectorTypeCircularDin8Female = 0x15,
1267 PortConnectorTypeOnboardIde = 0x16,
1268 PortConnectorTypeOnboardFloppy = 0x17,
1269 PortConnectorType9PinDualInline = 0x18,
1270 PortConnectorType25PinDualInline = 0x19,
1271 PortConnectorType50PinDualInline = 0x1A,
1272 PortConnectorType68PinDualInline = 0x1B,
1273 PortConnectorTypeOnboardSoundInput = 0x1C,
1274 PortConnectorTypeMiniCentronicsType14 = 0x1D,
1275 PortConnectorTypeMiniCentronicsType26 = 0x1E,
1276 PortConnectorTypeHeadPhoneMiniJack = 0x1F,
1277 PortConnectorTypeBNC = 0x20,
1278 PortConnectorType1394 = 0x21,
1279 PortConnectorTypeSasSata = 0x22,
1280 PortConnectorTypeUsbTypeC = 0x23,
1281 PortConnectorTypePC98 = 0xA0,
1282 PortConnectorTypePC98Hireso = 0xA1,
1283 PortConnectorTypePCH98 = 0xA2,
1284 PortConnectorTypePC98Note = 0xA3,
1285 PortConnectorTypePC98Full = 0xA4,
1286 PortConnectorTypeOther = 0xFF
1293 PortTypeNone = 0x00,
1294 PortTypeParallelXtAtCompatible = 0x01,
1295 PortTypeParallelPortPs2 = 0x02,
1296 PortTypeParallelPortEcp = 0x03,
1297 PortTypeParallelPortEpp = 0x04,
1298 PortTypeParallelPortEcpEpp = 0x05,
1299 PortTypeSerialXtAtCompatible = 0x06,
1300 PortTypeSerial16450Compatible = 0x07,
1301 PortTypeSerial16550Compatible = 0x08,
1302 PortTypeSerial16550ACompatible = 0x09,
1303 PortTypeScsi = 0x0A,
1304 PortTypeMidi = 0x0B,
1305 PortTypeJoyStick = 0x0C,
1306 PortTypeKeyboard = 0x0D,
1307 PortTypeMouse = 0x0E,
1308 PortTypeSsaScsi = 0x0F,
1310 PortTypeFireWire = 0x11,
1311 PortTypePcmciaTypeI = 0x12,
1312 PortTypePcmciaTypeII = 0x13,
1313 PortTypePcmciaTypeIII = 0x14,
1314 PortTypeCardBus = 0x15,
1315 PortTypeAccessBusPort = 0x16,
1316 PortTypeScsiII = 0x17,
1317 PortTypeScsiWide = 0x18,
1318 PortTypePC98 = 0x19,
1319 PortTypePC98Hireso = 0x1A,
1320 PortTypePCH98 = 0x1B,
1321 PortTypeVideoPort = 0x1C,
1322 PortTypeAudioPort = 0x1D,
1323 PortTypeModemPort = 0x1E,
1324 PortTypeNetworkPort = 0x1F,
1325 PortTypeSata = 0x20,
1328 PortTypeThunderbolt = 0x23,
1329 PortType8251Compatible = 0xA0,
1330 PortType8251FifoCompatible = 0xA1,
1331 PortTypeOther = 0xFF
1354 SlotTypeOther = 0x01,
1355 SlotTypeUnknown = 0x02,
1358 SlotTypeEisa = 0x05,
1360 SlotTypePcmcia = 0x07,
1361 SlotTypeVlVesa = 0x08,
1362 SlotTypeProprietary = 0x09,
1363 SlotTypeProcessorCardSlot = 0x0A,
1364 SlotTypeProprietaryMemoryCardSlot = 0x0B,
1365 SlotTypeIORiserCardSlot = 0x0C,
1366 SlotTypeNuBus = 0x0D,
1367 SlotTypePci66MhzCapable = 0x0E,
1369 SlotTypeApg2X = 0x10,
1370 SlotTypeAgp4X = 0x11,
1371 SlotTypePciX = 0x12,
1372 SlotTypeAgp8X = 0x13,
1373 SlotTypeM2Socket1_DP = 0x14,
1374 SlotTypeM2Socket1_SD = 0x15,
1375 SlotTypeM2Socket2 = 0x16,
1376 SlotTypeM2Socket3 = 0x17,
1377 SlotTypeMxmTypeI = 0x18,
1378 SlotTypeMxmTypeII = 0x19,
1379 SlotTypeMxmTypeIIIStandard = 0x1A,
1380 SlotTypeMxmTypeIIIHe = 0x1B,
1381 SlotTypeMxmTypeIV = 0x1C,
1382 SlotTypeMxm30TypeA = 0x1D,
1383 SlotTypeMxm30TypeB = 0x1E,
1384 SlotTypePciExpressGen2Sff_8639 = 0x1F,
1385 SlotTypePciExpressGen3Sff_8639 = 0x20,
1393 SlotTypeOCPNICPriorto30 = 0x28,
1394 SlotTypeCXLFlexbus10 = 0x30,
1395 SlotTypePC98C20 = 0xA0,
1396 SlotTypePC98C24 = 0xA1,
1397 SlotTypePC98E = 0xA2,
1398 SlotTypePC98LocalBus = 0xA3,
1399 SlotTypePC98Card = 0xA4,
1400 SlotTypePciExpress = 0xA5,
1401 SlotTypePciExpressX1 = 0xA6,
1402 SlotTypePciExpressX2 = 0xA7,
1403 SlotTypePciExpressX4 = 0xA8,
1404 SlotTypePciExpressX8 = 0xA9,
1405 SlotTypePciExpressX16 = 0xAA,
1406 SlotTypePciExpressGen2 = 0xAB,
1407 SlotTypePciExpressGen2X1 = 0xAC,
1408 SlotTypePciExpressGen2X2 = 0xAD,
1409 SlotTypePciExpressGen2X4 = 0xAE,
1410 SlotTypePciExpressGen2X8 = 0xAF,
1411 SlotTypePciExpressGen2X16 = 0xB0,
1412 SlotTypePciExpressGen3 = 0xB1,
1413 SlotTypePciExpressGen3X1 = 0xB2,
1414 SlotTypePciExpressGen3X2 = 0xB3,
1415 SlotTypePciExpressGen3X4 = 0xB4,
1416 SlotTypePciExpressGen3X8 = 0xB5,
1417 SlotTypePciExpressGen3X16 = 0xB6,
1418 SlotTypePciExpressGen4 = 0xB8,
1419 SlotTypePciExpressGen4X1 = 0xB9,
1420 SlotTypePciExpressGen4X2 = 0xBA,
1421 SlotTypePciExpressGen4X4 = 0xBB,
1422 SlotTypePciExpressGen4X8 = 0xBC,
1423 SlotTypePciExpressGen4X16 = 0xBD,
1424 SlotTypePCIExpressGen5 = 0xBE,
1425 SlotTypePCIExpressGen5X1 = 0xBF,
1426 SlotTypePCIExpressGen5X2 = 0xC0,
1427 SlotTypePCIExpressGen5X4 = 0xC1,
1428 SlotTypePCIExpressGen5X8 = 0xC2,
1429 SlotTypePCIExpressGen5X16 = 0xC3,
1430 SlotTypePCIExpressGen6andBeyond = 0xC4,
1431 SlotTypeEnterpriseandDatacenter1UE1FormFactorSlot = 0xC5,
1432 SlotTypeEnterpriseandDatacenter3E3FormFactorSlot = 0xC6
1439 SlotDataBusWidthOther = 0x01,
1440 SlotDataBusWidthUnknown = 0x02,
1441 SlotDataBusWidth8Bit = 0x03,
1442 SlotDataBusWidth16Bit = 0x04,
1443 SlotDataBusWidth32Bit = 0x05,
1444 SlotDataBusWidth64Bit = 0x06,
1445 SlotDataBusWidth128Bit = 0x07,
1459 SlotPhysicalWidthOther = 0x01,
1460 SlotPhysicalWidthUnknown = 0x02,
1461 SlotPhysicalWidth8Bit = 0x03,
1462 SlotPhysicalWidth16Bit = 0x04,
1463 SlotPhysicalWidth32Bit = 0x05,
1464 SlotPhysicalWidth64Bit = 0x06,
1465 SlotPhysicalWidth128Bit = 0x07,
1492 SlotUsageOther = 0x01,
1493 SlotUsageUnknown = 0x02,
1494 SlotUsageAvailable = 0x03,
1495 SlotUsageInUse = 0x04,
1496 SlotUsageUnavailable = 0x05
1503 SlotLengthOther = 0x01,
1504 SlotLengthUnknown = 0x02,
1505 SlotLengthShort = 0x03,
1506 SlotLengthLong = 0x04
1513 UINT8 CharacteristicsUnknown : 1;
1514 UINT8 Provides50Volts : 1;
1515 UINT8 Provides33Volts : 1;
1516 UINT8 SharedSlot : 1;
1517 UINT8 PcCard16Supported : 1;
1518 UINT8 CardBusSupported : 1;
1519 UINT8 ZoomVideoSupported : 1;
1520 UINT8 ModemRingResumeSupported : 1;
1526 UINT8 PmeSignalSupported : 1;
1527 UINT8 HotPlugDevicesSupported : 1;
1528 UINT8 SmbusSignalSupported : 1;
1529 UINT8 BifurcationSupported : 1;
1530 UINT8 AsyncSurpriseRemoval : 1;
1531 UINT8 FlexbusSlotCxl10Capable : 1;
1532 UINT8 FlexbusSlotCxl20Capable : 1;
1533 UINT8 FlexbusSlotCxl30Capable : 1;
1540 SlotHeightNone = 0x00,
1541 SlotHeightOther = 0x01,
1542 SlotHeightUnknown = 0x02,
1543 SlotHeightFullHeight = 0x03,
1544 SlotHeightLowProfile = 0x04
1551 UINT16 SegmentGroupNum;
1577 UINT16 SegmentGroupNum;
1584 UINT8 PeerGroupingCount;
1600 UINT8 SlotInformation;
1601 UINT8 SlotPhysicalWidth;
1613 OnBoardDeviceTypeOther = 0x01,
1614 OnBoardDeviceTypeUnknown = 0x02,
1615 OnBoardDeviceTypeVideo = 0x03,
1616 OnBoardDeviceTypeScsiController = 0x04,
1617 OnBoardDeviceTypeEthernet = 0x05,
1618 OnBoardDeviceTypeTokenRing = 0x06,
1619 OnBoardDeviceTypeSound = 0x07,
1620 OnBoardDeviceTypePATAController = 0x08,
1621 OnBoardDeviceTypeSATAController = 0x09,
1622 OnBoardDeviceTypeSASController = 0x0A
1676 UINT8 InstallableLanguages;
1707 EventLogTypeReserved = 0x00,
1708 EventLogTypeSingleBitECC = 0x01,
1709 EventLogTypeMultiBitECC = 0x02,
1710 EventLogTypeParityMemErr = 0x03,
1711 EventLogTypeBusTimeOut = 0x04,
1712 EventLogTypeIOChannelCheck = 0x05,
1713 EventLogTypeSoftwareNMI = 0x06,
1714 EventLogTypePOSTMemResize = 0x07,
1715 EventLogTypePOSTErr = 0x08,
1716 EventLogTypePCIParityErr = 0x09,
1717 EventLogTypePCISystemErr = 0x0A,
1718 EventLogTypeCPUFailure = 0x0B,
1719 EventLogTypeEISATimeOut = 0x0C,
1720 EventLogTypeMemLogDisabled = 0x0D,
1721 EventLogTypeLoggingDisabled = 0x0E,
1722 EventLogTypeSysLimitExce = 0x10,
1723 EventLogTypeAsyncHWTimer = 0x11,
1724 EventLogTypeSysConfigInfo = 0x12,
1725 EventLogTypeHDInfo = 0x13,
1726 EventLogTypeSysReconfig = 0x14,
1727 EventLogTypeUncorrectCPUErr = 0x15,
1728 EventLogTypeAreaResetAndClr = 0x16,
1729 EventLogTypeSystemBoot = 0x17,
1732 EventLogTypeEndOfLog = 0xFF
1739 EventLogVariableNone = 0x00,
1740 EventLogVariableHandle = 0x01,
1741 EventLogVariableMutilEvent = 0x02,
1742 EventLogVariableMutilEventHandle = 0x03,
1743 EventLogVariablePOSTResultBitmap = 0x04,
1744 EventLogVariableSysManagementType = 0x05,
1745 EventLogVariableMutliEventSysManagmentType = 0x06,
1746 EventLogVariableUnused = 0x07,
1747 EventLogVariableOEMAssigned = 0x80
1755 UINT8 DataFormatType;
1768 UINT16 LogAreaLength;
1769 UINT16 LogHeaderStartOffset;
1770 UINT16 LogDataStartOffset;
1773 UINT32 LogChangeToken;
1774 UINT32 AccessMethodAddress;
1775 UINT8 LogHeaderFormat;
1776 UINT8 NumberOfSupportedLogTypeDescriptors;
1777 UINT8 LengthOfLogTypeDescriptor;
1785 MemoryArrayLocationOther = 0x01,
1786 MemoryArrayLocationUnknown = 0x02,
1787 MemoryArrayLocationSystemBoard = 0x03,
1788 MemoryArrayLocationIsaAddonCard = 0x04,
1789 MemoryArrayLocationEisaAddonCard = 0x05,
1790 MemoryArrayLocationPciAddonCard = 0x06,
1791 MemoryArrayLocationMcaAddonCard = 0x07,
1792 MemoryArrayLocationPcmciaAddonCard = 0x08,
1793 MemoryArrayLocationProprietaryAddonCard = 0x09,
1794 MemoryArrayLocationNuBus = 0x0A,
1795 MemoryArrayLocationPc98C20AddonCard = 0xA0,
1796 MemoryArrayLocationPc98C24AddonCard = 0xA1,
1797 MemoryArrayLocationPc98EAddonCard = 0xA2,
1798 MemoryArrayLocationPc98LocalBusAddonCard = 0xA3,
1799 MemoryArrayLocationCXLAddonCard = 0xA4
1806 MemoryArrayUseOther = 0x01,
1807 MemoryArrayUseUnknown = 0x02,
1808 MemoryArrayUseSystemMemory = 0x03,
1809 MemoryArrayUseVideoMemory = 0x04,
1810 MemoryArrayUseFlashMemory = 0x05,
1811 MemoryArrayUseNonVolatileRam = 0x06,
1812 MemoryArrayUseCacheMemory = 0x07
1819 MemoryErrorCorrectionOther = 0x01,
1820 MemoryErrorCorrectionUnknown = 0x02,
1821 MemoryErrorCorrectionNone = 0x03,
1822 MemoryErrorCorrectionParity = 0x04,
1823 MemoryErrorCorrectionSingleBitEcc = 0x05,
1824 MemoryErrorCorrectionMultiBitEcc = 0x06,
1825 MemoryErrorCorrectionCrc = 0x07
1839 UINT32 MaximumCapacity;
1840 UINT16 MemoryErrorInformationHandle;
1841 UINT16 NumberOfMemoryDevices;
1845 UINT64 ExtendedMaximumCapacity;
1852 MemoryFormFactorOther = 0x01,
1853 MemoryFormFactorUnknown = 0x02,
1854 MemoryFormFactorSimm = 0x03,
1855 MemoryFormFactorSip = 0x04,
1856 MemoryFormFactorChip = 0x05,
1857 MemoryFormFactorDip = 0x06,
1858 MemoryFormFactorZip = 0x07,
1859 MemoryFormFactorProprietaryCard = 0x08,
1860 MemoryFormFactorDimm = 0x09,
1861 MemoryFormFactorTsop = 0x0A,
1862 MemoryFormFactorRowOfChips = 0x0B,
1863 MemoryFormFactorRimm = 0x0C,
1864 MemoryFormFactorSodimm = 0x0D,
1865 MemoryFormFactorSrimm = 0x0E,
1866 MemoryFormFactorFbDimm = 0x0F,
1867 MemoryFormFactorDie = 0x10
1874 MemoryTypeOther = 0x01,
1875 MemoryTypeUnknown = 0x02,
1876 MemoryTypeDram = 0x03,
1877 MemoryTypeEdram = 0x04,
1878 MemoryTypeVram = 0x05,
1879 MemoryTypeSram = 0x06,
1880 MemoryTypeRam = 0x07,
1881 MemoryTypeRom = 0x08,
1882 MemoryTypeFlash = 0x09,
1883 MemoryTypeEeprom = 0x0A,
1884 MemoryTypeFeprom = 0x0B,
1885 MemoryTypeEprom = 0x0C,
1886 MemoryTypeCdram = 0x0D,
1887 MemoryType3Dram = 0x0E,
1888 MemoryTypeSdram = 0x0F,
1889 MemoryTypeSgram = 0x10,
1890 MemoryTypeRdram = 0x11,
1891 MemoryTypeDdr = 0x12,
1892 MemoryTypeDdr2 = 0x13,
1893 MemoryTypeDdr2FbDimm = 0x14,
1894 MemoryTypeDdr3 = 0x18,
1895 MemoryTypeFbd2 = 0x19,
1896 MemoryTypeDdr4 = 0x1A,
1897 MemoryTypeLpddr = 0x1B,
1898 MemoryTypeLpddr2 = 0x1C,
1899 MemoryTypeLpddr3 = 0x1D,
1900 MemoryTypeLpddr4 = 0x1E,
1901 MemoryTypeLogicalNonVolatileDevice = 0x1F,
1902 MemoryTypeHBM = 0x20,
1903 MemoryTypeHBM2 = 0x21,
1904 MemoryTypeDdr5 = 0x22,
1905 MemoryTypeLpddr5 = 0x23,
1906 MemoryTypeHBM3 = 0x24
1913 UINT16 Reserved : 1;
1916 UINT16 FastPaged : 1;
1917 UINT16 StaticColumn : 1;
1918 UINT16 PseudoStatic : 1;
1920 UINT16 Synchronous : 1;
1923 UINT16 WindowDram : 1;
1924 UINT16 CacheDram : 1;
1925 UINT16 Nonvolatile : 1;
1926 UINT16 Registered : 1;
1927 UINT16 Unbuffered : 1;
1935 MemoryTechnologyOther = 0x01,
1936 MemoryTechnologyUnknown = 0x02,
1937 MemoryTechnologyDram = 0x03,
1938 MemoryTechnologyNvdimmN = 0x04,
1939 MemoryTechnologyNvdimmF = 0x05,
1940 MemoryTechnologyNvdimmP = 0x06,
1945 MemoryTechnologyIntelOptanePersistentMemory = 0x07
1959 UINT16 VolatileMemory : 1;
1960 UINT16 ByteAccessiblePersistentMemory : 1;
1961 UINT16 BlockAccessiblePersistentMemory : 1;
1981 UINT16 MemoryArrayHandle;
1982 UINT16 MemoryErrorInformationHandle;
2004 UINT32 ExtendedSize;
2010 UINT16 ConfiguredMemoryClockSpeed;
2014 UINT16 MinimumVoltage;
2015 UINT16 MaximumVoltage;
2016 UINT16 ConfiguredVoltage;
2023 UINT16 ModuleManufacturerID;
2024 UINT16 ModuleProductID;
2025 UINT16 MemorySubsystemControllerManufacturerID;
2026 UINT16 MemorySubsystemControllerProductID;
2027 UINT64 NonVolatileSize;
2028 UINT64 VolatileSize;
2034 UINT32 ExtendedSpeed;
2035 UINT32 ExtendedConfiguredMemorySpeed;
2039 UINT16 Pmic0ManufacturerID;
2040 UINT16 Pmic0RevisionNumber;
2041 UINT16 RcdManufacturerID;
2042 UINT16 RcdRevisionNumber;
2049 MemoryErrorOther = 0x01,
2050 MemoryErrorUnknown = 0x02,
2051 MemoryErrorOk = 0x03,
2052 MemoryErrorBadRead = 0x04,
2053 MemoryErrorParity = 0x05,
2054 MemoryErrorSigleBit = 0x06,
2055 MemoryErrorDoubleBit = 0x07,
2056 MemoryErrorMultiBit = 0x08,
2057 MemoryErrorNibble = 0x09,
2058 MemoryErrorChecksum = 0x0A,
2059 MemoryErrorCrc = 0x0B,
2060 MemoryErrorCorrectSingleBit = 0x0C,
2061 MemoryErrorCorrected = 0x0D,
2062 MemoryErrorUnCorrectable = 0x0E
2069 MemoryGranularityOther = 0x01,
2070 MemoryGranularityOtherUnknown = 0x02,
2071 MemoryGranularityDeviceLevel = 0x03,
2072 MemoryGranularityMemPartitionLevel = 0x04
2079 MemoryErrorOperationOther = 0x01,
2080 MemoryErrorOperationUnknown = 0x02,
2081 MemoryErrorOperationRead = 0x03,
2082 MemoryErrorOperationWrite = 0x04,
2083 MemoryErrorOperationPartialWrite = 0x05
2097 UINT32 VendorSyndrome;
2098 UINT32 MemoryArrayErrorAddress;
2099 UINT32 DeviceErrorAddress;
2100 UINT32 ErrorResolution;
2111 UINT32 StartingAddress;
2112 UINT32 EndingAddress;
2113 UINT16 MemoryArrayHandle;
2114 UINT8 PartitionWidth;
2118 UINT64 ExtendedStartingAddress;
2119 UINT64 ExtendedEndingAddress;
2130 UINT32 StartingAddress;
2131 UINT32 EndingAddress;
2132 UINT16 MemoryDeviceHandle;
2133 UINT16 MemoryArrayMappedAddressHandle;
2134 UINT8 PartitionRowPosition;
2135 UINT8 InterleavePosition;
2136 UINT8 InterleavedDataDepth;
2140 UINT64 ExtendedStartingAddress;
2141 UINT64 ExtendedEndingAddress;
2148 PointingDeviceTypeOther = 0x01,
2149 PointingDeviceTypeUnknown = 0x02,
2150 PointingDeviceTypeMouse = 0x03,
2151 PointingDeviceTypeTrackBall = 0x04,
2152 PointingDeviceTypeTrackPoint = 0x05,
2153 PointingDeviceTypeGlidePoint = 0x06,
2154 PointingDeviceTouchPad = 0x07,
2155 PointingDeviceTouchScreen = 0x08,
2156 PointingDeviceOpticalSensor = 0x09
2163 PointingDeviceInterfaceOther = 0x01,
2164 PointingDeviceInterfaceUnknown = 0x02,
2165 PointingDeviceInterfaceSerial = 0x03,
2166 PointingDeviceInterfacePs2 = 0x04,
2167 PointingDeviceInterfaceInfrared = 0x05,
2168 PointingDeviceInterfaceHpHil = 0x06,
2169 PointingDeviceInterfaceBusMouse = 0x07,
2170 PointingDeviceInterfaceADB = 0x08,
2171 PointingDeviceInterfaceBusMouseDB9 = 0xA0,
2172 PointingDeviceInterfaceBusMouseMicroDin = 0xA1,
2173 PointingDeviceInterfaceUsb = 0xA2,
2174 PointingDeviceInterfaceI2c = 0xA3,
2175 PointingDeviceInterfaceSpi = 0xA4
2189 UINT8 NumberOfButtons;
2196 PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryOther = 0x01,
2197 PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryUnknown = 0x02,
2198 PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryLeadAcid = 0x03,
2199 PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryNickelCadmium = 0x04,
2200 PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryNickelMetalHydride = 0x05,
2201 PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryLithiumIon = 0x06,
2202 PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryZincAir = 0x07,
2203 PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryLithiumPolymer = 0x08
2221 UINT16 DeviceCapacity;
2222 UINT16 DesignVoltage;
2224 UINT8 MaximumErrorInBatteryData;
2225 UINT16 SBDSSerialNumber;
2226 UINT16 SBDSManufactureDate;
2228 UINT8 DesignCapacityMultiplier;
2246 UINT16 TimerInterval;
2257 UINT8 HardwareSecuritySettings;
2270 UINT8 NextScheduledPowerOnMonth;
2271 UINT8 NextScheduledPowerOnDayOfMonth;
2272 UINT8 NextScheduledPowerOnHour;
2273 UINT8 NextScheduledPowerOnMinute;
2274 UINT8 NextScheduledPowerOnSecond;
2281 UINT8 VoltageProbeSite : 5;
2282 UINT8 VoltageProbeStatus : 3;
2295 UINT16 MaximumValue;
2296 UINT16 MinimumValue;
2301 UINT16 NominalValue;
2308 UINT8 CoolingDevice : 5;
2309 UINT8 CoolingDeviceStatus : 3;
2320 UINT16 TemperatureProbeHandle;
2322 UINT8 CoolingUnitGroup;
2324 UINT16 NominalSpeed;
2335 UINT8 TemperatureProbeSite : 5;
2336 UINT8 TemperatureProbeStatus : 3;
2349 UINT16 MaximumValue;
2350 UINT16 MinimumValue;
2355 UINT16 NominalValue;
2362 UINT8 ElectricalCurrentProbeSite : 5;
2363 UINT8 ElectricalCurrentProbeStatus : 3;
2376 UINT16 MaximumValue;
2377 UINT16 MinimumValue;
2382 UINT16 NominalValue;
2418 BootInformationStatusNoError = 0x00,
2419 BootInformationStatusNoBootableMedia = 0x01,
2420 BootInformationStatusNormalOSFailedLoading = 0x02,
2421 BootInformationStatusFirmwareDetectedFailure = 0x03,
2422 BootInformationStatusOSDetectedFailure = 0x04,
2423 BootInformationStatusUserRequestedBoot = 0x05,
2424 BootInformationStatusSystemSecurityViolation = 0x06,
2425 BootInformationStatusPreviousRequestedImage = 0x07,
2426 BootInformationStatusWatchdogTimerExpired = 0x08,
2427 BootInformationStatusStartReserved = 0x09,
2428 BootInformationStatusStartOemSpecific = 0x80,
2429 BootInformationStatusStartProductSpecific = 0xC0
2460 UINT32 VendorSyndrome;
2461 UINT64 MemoryArrayErrorAddress;
2462 UINT64 DeviceErrorAddress;
2463 UINT32 ErrorResolution;
2470 ManagementDeviceTypeOther = 0x01,
2471 ManagementDeviceTypeUnknown = 0x02,
2472 ManagementDeviceTypeLm75 = 0x03,
2473 ManagementDeviceTypeLm78 = 0x04,
2474 ManagementDeviceTypeLm79 = 0x05,
2475 ManagementDeviceTypeLm80 = 0x06,
2476 ManagementDeviceTypeLm81 = 0x07,
2477 ManagementDeviceTypeAdm9240 = 0x08,
2478 ManagementDeviceTypeDs1780 = 0x09,
2479 ManagementDeviceTypeMaxim1617 = 0x0A,
2480 ManagementDeviceTypeGl518Sm = 0x0B,
2481 ManagementDeviceTypeW83781D = 0x0C,
2482 ManagementDeviceTypeHt82H791 = 0x0D
2489 ManagementDeviceAddressTypeOther = 0x01,
2490 ManagementDeviceAddressTypeUnknown = 0x02,
2491 ManagementDeviceAddressTypeIOPort = 0x03,
2492 ManagementDeviceAddressTypeMemory = 0x04,
2493 ManagementDeviceAddressTypeSmbus = 0x05
2520 UINT16 ManagementDeviceHandle;
2521 UINT16 ComponentHandle;
2522 UINT16 ThresholdHandle;
2533 UINT16 LowerThresholdNonCritical;
2534 UINT16 UpperThresholdNonCritical;
2535 UINT16 LowerThresholdCritical;
2536 UINT16 UpperThresholdCritical;
2537 UINT16 LowerThresholdNonRecoverable;
2538 UINT16 UpperThresholdNonRecoverable;
2546 UINT16 DeviceHandle;
2553 MemoryChannelTypeOther = 0x01,
2554 MemoryChannelTypeUnknown = 0x02,
2555 MemoryChannelTypeRambus = 0x03,
2556 MemoryChannelTypeSyncLink = 0x04
2569 UINT8 MaximumChannelLoad;
2570 UINT8 MemoryDeviceCount;
2578 IPMIDeviceInfoInterfaceTypeUnknown = 0x00,
2599 UINT8 IPMISpecificationRevision;
2600 UINT8 I2CSlaveAddress;
2601 UINT8 NVStorageDeviceAddress;
2603 UINT8 BaseAddressModifier_InterruptInfo;
2604 UINT8 InterruptNumber;
2611 UINT16 PowerSupplyHotReplaceable : 1;
2612 UINT16 PowerSupplyPresent : 1;
2613 UINT16 PowerSupplyUnplugged : 1;
2614 UINT16 InputVoltageRangeSwitch : 4;
2615 UINT16 PowerSupplyStatus : 3;
2616 UINT16 PowerSupplyType : 4;
2617 UINT16 Reserved : 2;
2628 UINT8 PowerUnitGroup;
2636 UINT16 MaxPowerCapacity;
2638 UINT16 InputVoltageProbeHandle;
2639 UINT16 CoolingDeviceHandle;
2640 UINT16 InputCurrentProbeHandle;
2648 UINT16 ReferencedHandle;
2649 UINT8 ReferencedOffset;
2662 UINT8 NumberOfAdditionalInformationEntries;
2670 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeOther = 0x01,
2671 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeUnknown = 0x02,
2672 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeVideo = 0x03,
2673 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeScsiController = 0x04,
2674 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeEthernet = 0x05,
2675 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeTokenRing = 0x06,
2676 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeSound = 0x07,
2677 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypePATAController = 0x08,
2678 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeSATAController = 0x09,
2679 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeSASController = 0x0A,
2680 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeWirelessLAN = 0x0B,
2681 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeBluetooth = 0x0C,
2682 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeWWAN = 0x0D,
2683 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeeMMC = 0x0E,
2684 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeNvme = 0x0F,
2685 OnBoardDeviceExtendedTypeUfc = 0x10
2700 UINT8 DeviceTypeInstance;
2701 UINT16 SegmentGroupNum;
2711 UINT8 ProtocolTypeDataLen;
2712 UINT8 ProtocolTypeData[1];
2720 MCHostInterfaceTypeNetworkHostInterface = 0x40,
2721 MCHostInterfaceTypeOemDefined = 0xF0
2728 MCHostInterfaceProtocolTypeIPMI = 0x02,
2729 MCHostInterfaceProtocolTypeMCTP = 0x03,
2730 MCHostInterfaceProtocolTypeRedfishOverIP = 0x04,
2731 MCHostInterfaceProtocolTypeOemDefined = 0xF0
2754 UINT8 InterfaceTypeSpecificDataLength;
2755 UINT8 InterfaceTypeSpecificData[4];
2762 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeReserved = 0x00,
2763 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeIa32 = 0x01,
2764 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeX64 = 0x02,
2765 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeItanium = 0x03,
2766 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeAarch32 = 0x04,
2767 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeAarch64 = 0x05,
2768 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeRiscVRV32 = 0x06,
2769 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeRiscVRV64 = 0x07,
2770 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeRiscVRV128 = 0x08,
2771 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeLoongArch32 = 0x09,
2772 ProcessorSpecificBlockArchTypeLoongArch64 = 0x0A
2780 UINT8 ProcessorArchType;
2816 UINT8 MajorSpecVersion;
2817 UINT8 MinorSpecVersion;
2818 UINT32 FirmwareVersion1;
2819 UINT32 FirmwareVersion2;
2821 UINT64 Characteristics;
2829 VersionFormatTypeFreeForm = 0x00,
2830 VersionFormatTypeMajorMinor = 0x01,
2831 VersionFormatType32BitHex = 0x02,
2832 VersionFormatType64BitHex = 0x03,
2833 VersionFormatTypeReserved = 0x04,
2841 FirmwareIdFormatTypeFreeForm = 0x00,
2842 FirmwareIdFormatTypeUuid = 0x01,
2843 FirmwareIdFormatTypeReserved = 0x04,
2851 UINT16 Updatable : 1;
2852 UINT16 WriteProtected : 1;
2853 UINT16 Reserved : 14;
2860 FirmwareInventoryStateOther = 0x01,
2861 FirmwareInventoryStateUnknown = 0x02,
2862 FirmwareInventoryStateDisabled = 0x03,
2863 FirmwareInventoryStateEnabled = 0x04,
2864 FirmwareInventoryStateAbsent = 0x05,
2865 FirmwareInventoryStateStandbyOffline = 0x06,
2866 FirmwareInventoryStateStandbySpare = 0x07,
2867 FirmwareInventoryStateUnavailableOffline = 0x08
2896 UINT8 AssociatedComponentCount;
2907 StringPropertyIdNone = 0x0000,
2908 StringPropertyIdDevicePath = 0x0001,
2909 StringPropertyIdReserved = 0x0002,
@ InventoryFirmwareIdFormatTypeOem
0x04 - 0x7F are reserved
@ IPMIDeviceInfoInterfaceTypeSMIC
The Server Management Interface Chip.
@ IPMIDeviceInfoInterfaceTypeBT
The Block Transfer.
@ IPMIDeviceInfoInterfaceTypeKCS
The Keyboard Controller Style.
@ IPMIDeviceInfoInterfaceTypeSSIF
SMBus System Interface.
@ SlotPhysicalWidth12X
Or X12.
@ SlotPhysicalWidth8X
Or X8.
@ SlotPhysicalWidth1X
Or X1.
@ SlotPhysicalWidth2X
Or X2.
@ SlotPhysicalWidth32X
Or X32.
@ SlotPhysicalWidth16X
Or X16.
@ SlotPhysicalWidth4X
Or X4.
@ ProcessorUpgradeSocketA
Socket 462.
@ ProcessorUpgradePiggyBack
@ ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA1155
SMBIOS spec 2.8.0 updated the name.
@ PortTypeMfdp
Multi-Function Display Port.
@ SlotDataBusWidth12X
Or X12.
@ SlotDataBusWidth16X
Or X16.
@ SlotDataBusWidth1X
Or X1.
@ SlotDataBusWidth8X
Or X8.
@ SlotDataBusWidth32X
Or X32.
@ SlotDataBusWidth2X
Or X2.
@ SlotDataBusWidth4X
Or X4.
@ ProcessorFamilyIntelCoreSolo
SMBIOS spec 2.6 updated this value.
@ ProcessorFamilyViaC7M
Smbios spec 3.8 updated this value.
@ ProcessorFamilyAmdASeries
SMBIOS spec 2.8.0 updated the name.
@ CacheErrorSingleBit
@ SlotTypeOCPNIC30LargeFormFactor
@ SlotTypePCIExpressGen5SFF_8639
@ SlotTypePCIExpressGen4SFF_8639
@ SlotTypePciExpressMini52pinWithBSKO
PCI Express Mini 52-pin (CEM spec. 2.0) with bottom-side keep-outs.
@ SlotTypePciExpressMini76pin
PCI Express Mini 76-pin (CEM spec. 2.0) Corresponds to Display-Mini card.
@ SlotTypePciExpressMini52pinWithoutBSKO
PCI Express Mini 52-pin (CEM spec. 2.0) without bottom-side keep-outs.
@ SlotTypeOCPNIC30SmallFormFactor
@ VersionFormatTypeOem
0x04 - 0x7F are reserved
@ StringPropertyIdOem
BIOS vendor 0x8000 - 0xBFFF.
@ StringPropertyIdBiosVendor
Reserved 0x0002 - 0x7FFF.
@ EventLogTypeAvailForSys
0x80 - 0xFE
@ EventLogTypeUnused
0x18 - 0x7F
UINT8 LogType
The enumeration value from EVENT_LOG_TYPE_DATA.
UINT8 InstalledOrEnabledSize
Size (n), where 2**n is the size in MB.
UINT8 ProcessorVoltageReserved
Bits 4-6, must be zero.
UINT8 ProcessorVoltageCapabilityReserved
Bit 3, must be zero.
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ARRAY_USE.
UINT8 MemoryErrorCorrection
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_CORRECTION.
UINT8 Location
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ARRAY_LOCATION.
UINT8 MemoryType
The enumeration value from MEMORY_DEVICE_TYPE.
UINT8 FormFactor
The enumeration value from MEMORY_FORM_FACTOR.
UINT8 MemoryTechnology
The enumeration value from MEMORY_DEVICE_TECHNOLOGY.
UINT8 ErrorGranularity
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_GRANULARITY.
UINT8 ErrorType
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_TYPE.
UINT8 ErrorOperation
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_OPERATION.
UINT8 WakeUpType
The enumeration value from MISC_SYSTEM_WAKEUP_TYPE.
UINT8 Type
The enumeration value from BUILTIN_POINTING_DEVICE_TYPE.
UINT8 Interface
UINT8 DeviceChemistry
UINT8 BoardType
The enumeration value from BASE_BOARD_TYPE.
UINT8 BootStatus
UINT8 ErrorGranularity
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_GRANULARITY.
UINT8 ErrorType
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_TYPE.
UINT8 ErrorOperation
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_OPERATION.
UINT8 AddressType
UINT8 Type
The enumeration value from MISC_MANAGEMENT_DEVICE_TYPE.
UINT8 InterfaceType
The enumeration value from BMC_INTERFACE_TYPE.
UINT8 SecurityStatus
The enumeration value from MISC_CHASSIS_SECURITY_STATE.
UINT8 ThermalState
The enumeration value from MISC_CHASSIS_STATE.
UINT8 BootupState
The enumeration value from MISC_CHASSIS_STATE.
UINT8 PowerSupplyState
The enumeration value from MISC_CHASSIS_STATE.
UINT8 DeviceType
The enumeration value from ONBOARD_DEVICE_EXTENDED_INFO_TYPE.
UINT8 InterfaceType
The enumeration value from MC_HOST_INTERFACE_TYPE.
UINT8 FirmwareIdFormat
UINT8 FirmwareVersionFormat
UINT8 State
The enumeration value from FIRMWARE_INVENTORY_STATE.
UINT16 StringPropertyId
The enumeration value from STRING_PROPERTY_ID.
UINT8 ProcessorUpgrade
The enumeration value from PROCESSOR_UPGRADE.
UINT8 ProcessorType
The enumeration value from PROCESSOR_TYPE_DATA.
UINT8 ProcessorFamily
The enumeration value from PROCESSOR_FAMILY_DATA.
UINT8 SupportInterleave
The enumeration value from MEMORY_SUPPORT_INTERLEAVE_TYPE.
UINT8 ErrDetectMethod
The enumeration value from MEMORY_ERROR_DETECT_METHOD.
UINT8 CurrentInterleave
The enumeration value from MEMORY_SUPPORT_INTERLEAVE_TYPE .
UINT8 SystemCacheType
The enumeration value from CACHE_TYPE_DATA.
UINT8 Associativity
The enumeration value from CACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY_DATA.
UINT8 ErrorCorrectionType
The enumeration value from CACHE_ERROR_TYPE_DATA.
UINT8 PortType
The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_TYPE.
UINT8 ExternalConnectorType
The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE.
UINT8 InternalConnectorType
The enumeration value from MISC_PORT_CONNECTOR_TYPE.
UINT8 SlotHeight
The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_HEIGHT.
UINT8 SlotType
The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_TYPE.
UINT8 SlotDataBusWidth
The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_DATA_BUS_WIDTH.
UINT8 CurrentUsage
The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_USAGE.
UINT8 SlotLength
The enumeration value from MISC_SLOT_LENGTH.
UINT16 Reserved2
Set to 0.
UINT8 CpuStatus
Indicates the status of the processor.
UINT8 SocketPopulated
Indicates if the processor socket is populated or not.
UINT8 Reserved1
Reserved for future use. Must be set to zero.
UINT8 Reserved2
Reserved for future use. Must be set to zero.